Saturday, November 22, 2008


>< Stupid LiveJournal. It's messed up again.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Bored, bored, bored.

Ended up hurting myself on Halloween, fell down, scraped and bruised my foot.

Really wish I could download music on campus.

Ready for Friday. Heading home, then around 9:45 I'm heading over to Lander to meet up with my best friend. ^_^

Today was doomsday for the U.S. We're still waiting for the polls to close. 1st polls to close in about 25 minutes (including my home state of SC). Ready for the results, if Obama wins, I'm moving to Britain (not really but it sounds dramatic). Hahaha.

Drawn a couple of pictures due to my boredom in class, one was of me/one of my role play characters. Several pictures of dragons with people, and one or two pictures of butterflies and flowers.

Been working on my Enr 203H and IT 201 projects (using the same topic for both to make it less work for me). The question is "If left alone, would the Southern Confederacy have survived if allowed to succeed by the Northern Union?" There are journals and discussions that say yes. Must look and read them. Will look at them eventually. Probably tomorrow... maybe not.

Homework tonight = finding 3 topics for my Sociology Class and reading part of King Henry V for Brit. Lit.

Side-note: my foot still hurts. It's bruised and still scraped up badly. On my ankle joining foot area is a huge scrape that hurts.
